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Speaking Ill To Family

Speaking ill of your spouse
To your family
Often provides you
With momentary relief
And ongoing grief.

Everyone wants to have people to complain to when they are angry with their spouse. We want to be able to vent. To let someone know how irresponsible, or controlling, or mean-spirited, or selfish, spoiled, or demanding, or critical, or lazy, or... our husband or wife is.
And, who better to air our 'justified' feelings to than our beloved family members.

Therein lies the rub. These people who are apt to shower us with the most sympathy and backup are also the ones most likely to remember how we were wronged if and when we reconcile or otherwise get over our 'venting party'.
They will likely never forgive our mate. Or, will always look at them as if they were some horrible human being. Certainly as someone who does not deserve our love. And, remember that family often has the capacity to keep animosity going for a very long time.

So, a word to the wise is never to vent about your wife or husband to family.
'Nuff said!

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